If you haven't carried out this currently. I would search your breaker screen for a circut breaker titled jacuzzi tub (ór something to thát effect), and if it will be not outlined I would obtain somebody to monitor when the tub shuts off, while you turn each breaker óff, one at á time therefore as to figure out which breaker it is usually and then immediately name it. Next, an accessibility board to the tubs electric motor should be installed. After entry is gained, examine the pumps container and if it is usually not really GFIC guarded I would return to the breaker screen, it may possess a GFIC bréaker. If neither are the case, then have got this problem fixed The switch on your jacuzzi is surroundings actuated with a versatile air line that links to the actual change, it may have damaged or nevertheless became disconnected. Any queries, feel free. February 21, 2009.